The Back to School Countdown Game!

back to school countdown game
How many days until your children go back to school? I'm sure they can tell you exactly how many days because the countdown is on!

This year, turn the back-to-school countdown into a game…it's a way to savor those last days of summer, and it's a way to beat the “I'm bored” syndrome! They'll wake-up each morning looking forward to another activity!

How to Play The Back to School Countdown Game

  1. Figure out how many days are left until school starts.
  2. Let your children come up with something fun to do each day until school starts, but you're in charge and you set the daily budget. Keep it frugal by allowing them to only plan a few activities that cost money.
  3. Mark the activities on the calendar.

Need some ideas for free fun? Here are some fun and mostly free ideas!

  • have a backyard campout
  • make a Frozen Lemonade Pie…yummy!
  • enjoy a picnic in the park
  • meet Dad for lunch at his office
  • read a book by the pool…maybe finish a required summer reading book????
  • make homemade ice cream
  • play in the sprinklers
  • have a cookout
  • go stargazing
  • enjoy a lazy summer day…all day in your pajamas!
  • take a trip to the farmers market
  • go berry picking and come home to make strawberry jam! Click here for the easy recipe!
  • take a walk on the beach or take a hike on a nearby trail
  • skip rocks
  • watch the sunset
  • play croquet
  • eat watermelon and have a seed spitting contest!
  • catch fireflies

Well…that's probably more ideas than there are days left before school starts, so get started today and enjoy those last lazy days of summer! You just might discover a new back-to-school family tradition!

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Barbara Shaw
11 years ago

Love the idea of just having a picnic lunch with the whole family before it cools off.

Courtney~Mommy LaDy Club
11 years ago

Great suggestions! I try to catch the sunset everyday…too special:) All of mine are grown now, so no Back to School anymore. It doesn’t mean you still can’t do any of these.

11 years ago

I home school so I get to pick the day, so I’ve been reminding my little ones that we will start soon… this is a fantastic idea for me to do something special and get them ready to switch gears. cool… thank you!

Alicia H
11 years ago

that sounds like fun. school doesn’t really have a start and finish for us as we are homeschoolers but they are wonderful ideas for the rest of the summer

11 years ago

What a wonderful idea! My sons are counting down the days! Thanks for sharing!

11 years ago

I love the idea of doing everything you can to make the last few days of summer extra special. Great post!

Carla Barilá Karam
11 years ago

Oh my gosh! I love this!!! My daughter starts kindergarten in 25 days (lol)… seriously she is so excited that we started the back to school countdown when all the kids were getting out of school for summer!! Seriously, no joke… we started at 50 something.. lol!! Thank you so much for some wonderful ideas, the game in itself… to hep make these last days memorable before such a great milestone! With His grace, wishing you peace and many blessings to you and yours… Carla

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