Welcome to The Budget Diet!

frugal living tips
Don't worry, you're in the right place – TheBudgetDiet.com has a new look!

The same great money saving tips are still here; the entire collection of frugalicious and fast recipes hasn't gone missing; and look up…you'll see the link to the freebies page!

I feel like a little girl showing off my new dress, and I hope you love it.

My goal was to create a simple, easy to navigate site, and here's a quick tutorial on how to find your way around…

Top of the Page

  • Popular – This is the content that's creating a buzz in the Google world, and you'll find links to my Top 10 posts.
  • Freebies – Get in the habit of checking the freebies page frequently, and you'll never miss out on a great deal!
  • Coupons – Click and print coupons are at your fingertips! Cha-ching, cha-ching!
  • Advice – Want to save money? Who doesn't? Hover over the word “advice”, and you'll see a drop-down menu of categories with money saving tips. It's back-to-school time, and if you want to discover more ways to save money, click “seasonal” then click “back-to-school.” Want to save money on decorating? Click “decorating” and discover the entire collection of articles. Planning a birthday party for your daughter? Click “parties” and be prepared to host a frugal and fun event! P.S. – “Advice” is also where you'll find my popular frugalicious and fast recipes.
  • Recipes – If you're looking for frugalicious and fast recipes, you'll find over 200 here!
  • About – It's exactly what it says! Learn more about me and my blog.

Top, Right Side of the Page

  • Newsletter – You'll never miss another money saving tip if you sign-up for my newsletter. Frugal tips are delivered daily to your inbox!
  • Search – Want to save money on travel? Google it from this little search box. This box is the answer to your frugal living dreams…just ask and you shall receive!
  • The Photo – That's me, and just underneath it are the icons to follow The Budget Diet on facebook, twitter, pinterest or rss.

Welcome and Happy Saving!

Please leave a comment to let me know how you like the new design or to let me know if you need help finding your way around.

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10 years ago

Nice to see the new look!

10 years ago

LOVE the new, updated look! Good luck and hope many ‘hits’ come your way. Thanks for all the helpful ideas and links you share!

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