How I Saved Money This Month

money saving tips

Instead of giving you a rundown of my personal savings for the month, I'd like to share how I used my money saving tips to stretch our school's graduation party budget!

Susan and I are in charge of buying prizes for our high school's graduation party, and our budget is quite a bit smaller this year. Basically, we are in charge of figuring out how to do more with less!

Do More With Less – 3 Money Saving Tips

  1. Compare Prices – We've spent plenty of time on the internet making sure we know a good deal when we see it! We simply do a Google search for the item and compare!
  2. Discounted Gift Cards – If you're a regular reader of The Budget Diet, you probably know that I'm the world's biggest cheerleader for discounted gift cards! We were able to save $100 on our $1700 purchase from Best Buy simply by paying for our purchase with discounted gift cards from If you're not shopping with discounted gift cards, you're wasting money! My wallet is always full of discounted gift cards for places I regularly visit like Target, Lowes, Home Depot, Petco and AMC Theatres. If you like to eat out, discounted gift cards abound!
  3. Let's Make a Deal – Don't be afraid to ask for a discount or even a donation! Think about it, the worst thing that can happen is they will say, “no.”

If you need to stretch a dollar at home or for an organization put these money saving tips to work for you! It really is possible to do more with less, and it's so much fun to brag about the savings!


In full disclosure, this post contains affiliate links to help support The Budget Diet girl! My advice will always be unbiased and free, but free won’t pay the bills! Thanks!

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Carla / Mrs. No-NO
11 years ago

Hey! I couldn’t find your comment section before I clicked on this post!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. (:
I hope that you will take a minute to enter the giveaway for the My Memories digital scrapbooking package (if you are eligible).
Have a great day! Glad to see all the tips! (:

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