Friendship bracelets are popular among kids and teenagers. Moreover, they are great accessories ideal for any clothing. Today, we are creating a bracelet made from straw and shoestrings. This is amazing as it will take about less than an hour to make.
What you need:
- Straw
- Shoestrings
- Ruler
- Scissors
- Marker or ballpen
Grab the straw. You can use recycled straw for this project. Using ruler and ballpen, draw marks on the straw 1.5 cm away from each other.

Get the scissors and cut on those markings.

Prepare the shoestrings. Fold the string to find its center. Hold it and use scotch tape to secure it on your working area.

Now, we start creating the bracelet. Get one piece of the straw. Hold the left string, insert the piece and push it to the top. Grab the right string and insert it also to the piece. Pull the strings to secure the straw on top. Get another piece of straw and insert it on the right string. After that, insert the left string. Continue this process until the pieces are all gone. Also, check if the bracelet fits perfectly around your wrist. Make more pieces of straw if the bracelet does not fit.

If you are satisfied with your bracelet, tie a knot at the end and then cut the excess. And there you have it! A bracelet you can give to your best of friends as a symbol of your lasting friendship.