How I Saved Money This Month

save your money

If you asked my husband to write the title of this article, he would say, “How I Didn't Save Money This Month!”

The Budget Diet girl's report card for March…

I saved money by…

  • faithfully using The Grocery Game shopping method to save an average of $50 a week on my grocery bill!

I splurged on…

  • Spring Break at Universal Studios Orlando – When we go on vacation, I completely change from money saving mom to money spending mom! We enjoy amazing dinners out, shopping in malls instead of T.J. Maxx and simply enjoying our vacation destination to it's fullest! Afterall, isn't a vacation supposed to be a break from the ordinary?
  • Granite for our guest bathroom – You may remember that we had a small roof leak which required the wallpaper to come down and new sheet rock to go up in our downstairs bathroom. Well, as you probably know, when it comes to remodeling one thing leads to another! Did you know that granite should go in before faux painting? If we just faux paint now and decide we want granite next year…guess what? We will have to spend money on painting again! Yes, this is how I justified splurging on the granite to update the bathroom.
  • Senior Portraits – My son is a high school senior, and we just had some amazing pictures taken of him! Oh the memories!!!!

My splurges (a.k.a. money saving motivation) are made possible by pinching pennies at the grocery and shopping at T.J. Maxx and consignment stores!

We all need a little motivation for saving money! Your motivation might be paying off a credit card or saving for a new car. What's your money saving motivation?


Image courtesy of ponsuwan /

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