Wedding Anniversary Coming Up? 5 Cheap Ways to Make it Special

cheap anniversary ideas

If you have been married for a few years now and are living on a budget, then your wedding anniversaries probably come and go without you or your spouse making a huge deal of it. After all it’s very expensive to do something grand for your wedding anniversary such as taking a trip. It’s even expensive to go out for dinner to a nice restaurant. Between the entrees, drinks and tip you’ll likely walk out of the restaurant nearly $100 poorer, if not more. However, wedding anniversaries are special and you should do something to celebrate. There are many ways you can make your anniversary special with spending little to no money; here are 5 ideas to get you started.

Cheap Anniversary Ideas


Relive Your First Date
Most first dates are relatively done on the cheap since you’re just getting to know someone. If you had an affordable first date, it would be fun and special to recreate the night as something to do on your wedding anniversary. If you live far away from where you had your first date, just do something similar in the area you now live.

Surprise Your Spouse And Cook Up Your Wedding Day Menu
Go to the grocery store and get the ingredients you need to cook up the entrée that was served on your wedding day. Go the extra mile and serve the same drinks and get a small white cake or cupcake for desert with the memory of your own wedding cake in mind.

Write A Love Letter
Here’s an idea that’s totally free. Take a couple of hours to sit down and really think about where you are in life with your spouse and what your married life has been like up to this anniversary. Then put all that thought and emotion down on paper and give it to your spouse. This makes a wonderful gift straight from the heart that your spouse will cherish for years to come.

Post It Notes
Most likely your anniversary will fall on a busy weekday, when normal daily hectic life ensues as usual. A fun way to surprise your spouse is to place post it notes around the house with cute, lovey messages that he or she will see throughout the day. For instance, you could put a note on your spouse’s toothbrush that reads “I adore your smile.” This makes for a break in routine and shows your spouse how much you appreciate the little things about them.

Watch Your Wedding Video
If all else fails, snuggle up on the couch together in the evening and watch your wedding video. It’s a great, free, romantic way to remember and relive the day.


written by: Jessica Drew


Image courtesy of: Dynamite Imagery /

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Jenn @ Home is Where You Start From
12 years ago

very nice list for romance without breaking the bank! My favorite was reliving your first date!

Charise @ I Thought I Knew Mama
12 years ago

Love these ideas!

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