Summer Boredom Busters – 10 Summer Fun Ideas

summer fun ideas
Summer officially started today, and if you're already dealing with the “I'm bored” syndrome…take a look at these budget friendly summer fun ideas! 10 boredom busters that are sure to lead to a summer of fun!

Field Trips: Plan a field trip every week this summer!   Here's how…

  • Start by taking your kids to the local library to find some books on your area.
  • Do a simple search:  Free Things to do in (my city). You'll be amazed what comes  up!
  • Let each child make a list of what they would like to see & do!  Set a budget limit!
  • Think beyond museums and amusement parks…think budget friendly fun like:  a  visit to the farmer's market, berry picking, check out different area playgrounds & rate them or take a tour of an area factory! Most factory tours are free, and offers a state by state listing.
  • Don't blow your budget friendly outing by going out to eat…pack a picnic lunch instead!

Summer Book Swap: A fun way to kick-off a summer of reading!  Here's how…

  • Invite friends (in the same grade) to bring 3 used paperback books at their current  reading level.
  • After the children arrive, display the books on a large table or two.
  • Draw numbers for the order in which the children will choose a book.  If there are 10 children at the party, put numbers 1 – 10 into the drawing.
  • Round 1 begins!  The child that drew #1 picks a book, then #2 takes a turn and so on.
  • Before beginning Round 2, draw numbers again.
  • After the final round, make bookmarks (using scrap paper, markers & assorted  stickers) & let the children make their own ice cream  sundaes.

Fun at Home:

  • Start a summer tradition of having sundaes on Saturday!
  • Family Game Day
  • Family Puzzle Day
  • Taste Test…try different brands of frozen pizza & ice cream, eat & vote for the family favorite!
  • Water Painting…it's painting without the mess!  You'll need a bucket of water, a big fat paint brush & let your child have fun “painting” the driveway, the fence or the picnic table!
  • Lemonade Stand!
  • Teach your children to cook!  Have “cooking school” one day each week, and let your children choose the recipes!  If you don't have a children's cookbook, a trip to the library is in order!
  • Plant a garden!

Let's make this a summer your kids will remember…even if it's on a budget!

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Kimberly@Five Little Chefs
12 years ago

We do a lot of these, but I have never thought of a book swap for my kids with their friends. That is brilliant. I’m always asking the mom’s what books their kids like, why not swap with them.

12 years ago

Great ideas! Sometimes we can get in such a rut over the summer… these are some awesome ways to keep us from that. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

Pamela R
12 years ago

what a great list—going to check out!

Erin Patrick
12 years ago

I wish I had thought of something like this when my kids were little. These are great ideas for a fun and affordable summer! Thanks for sharing!

Perspective Parenting
12 years ago

These are excellent! And I am inspired. I’ve been on the same summer routine of picnicking every day at the lake or park or berry farm or museum, but wanted to change it up a bit now that my kids are old enough to try new adventures. We actually just started the cooking night for each kid and they have been loving cooking for the family…which is great for me! I really like the idea of getting info on our town and exploring what we have in our backyard. Very cool. Thanks for the ideas!

DrJulieAnn aka The Modern Retro Woman
13 years ago

I love the notion of children coming up with their own ideas–what a great way to help them learn autonomy and self-sufficiency!

The results of helicopter parenting is showing up in the college classroom. I have two students right now who can’t seem to make any decisions on their own…they have no autonomy…this is well beyond the “nervous student just wants professor’s approval” range. I have a feeling that they were never given an opportunity to build their decision-making muscles.

Sarah Thacker
13 years ago

Thanks for the list! We’ve been out for a month already and could use the ideas.

Nicole Rivera
13 years ago

I love your list of ideas. Half the fun is in figuring out WHAT to do!! I know, by me, the parks department has loads of free events in the summer for kids and adults – things like nature walks, bird house building, scavenger hunts, fishing, canoeing and even archery (if the kids are old enough). Once you know where to look, you realize there is simply no time to be bored!!

Some of the greatest memories I have are from the wacky budget-friendly (aka FREE) trips my mom took us on during the summer. Two classics that my brother and I can never forget are the blueberry festival and the bologna factory! I have no idea how my mom found out about these things pre-Internet, but I am glad she did!

13 years ago

I love the summer book swap idea. How fun!

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