The Definite Guide to Eating Healthy for Less Than $400 a Month (Family of 4)

How to Eat Healthy For Less Than $400 a Month - feature

Healthy eating and saving money.  For many, these concepts are not associated in any way. Why is that? The food industry focuses on meals that are cheap to produce and easy to sell: high-calorie, low-nutrient, convenient fast food. But highly processed foods can affect our health in numerous ways. They make us fat, ill, and incapable of … Read more

20+ Best Natural Insect Repellents

Enjoying the outdoors is one of the best parts of spring. However, this season also means that insects are buzzing around in your backyard. Covering up can reduce bug bites, but not all the time. Before you head out to the store and purchase commercial insect sprays, consider this list of homemade alternatives. They are affordable, they smell … Read more

10 Lovely Garden Crafts Ideas for Spring

Gardening is a relaxing activity that you can do after a busy week, and spring is the perfect season to spend leisure time outdoors. Spring brings in the promise of new life and fresh beginnings. So grab your DIY tools and make these garden crafts to add character to your garden. These creative projects will surely make a great impression on your friends … Read more

20 Smart Gardening Ideas

Your budget is tight and you are thinking twice about spending money on gardening. Better check out this article from that offers 20 smart gardening tips for you. Even people without green thumbs can benefit from these clever gardening ideas. For instance, do you know how to make your garden soil richer in calcium? Now, you can keep your garden … Read more

21 Natural Home Remedies For Pets

Statistics reveled that Americans spent about $53 billion dollars on their pets – half of it goes to treatments, medicines and vet care. However, we can’t be sure we are giving the best to our pets. Sometimes, what we think is healthy for them can actually harm them. Pets’ medications have toxic ingredients that can affect … Read more

Homemade Lemon Sugar Scrub

If you haven’t tried creating your own beauty products, then this DIY lemon sugar scrub is worth it. It’s a lovely addition to your beauty routine. Moreover, it won’t cost you a fortune as you can find the materials in your kitchen. What you need: Lemons White sugar Mason jar Coconut oil Bowl Beauty tips: White sugar is for … Read more