Major Purchase? Get Help Deciding What to Buy and When to Buy It

what and when to buy
Are you planning to buy a new computer this year?

How about a new phone or television?

Is a new refrigerator on your list?

Has your husband been saving up for a shiny new lawnmower or gas grill?

If you're planning any major purchases this year, consider this a “must-read.”

Gone are the days of studying Consumer Reports because there's a new money saving “shopping advisor” in town.

I'd like to introduce you to – they'll help you decide what to buy and when to buy it. Imagine these shopping scenarios…

Shopping Scenario #1: You're shopping for a new laptop, you found an amazing deal, but you wanted to run it buy Whew…the folks at told you that a new model of that laptop is coming out in 2 weeks, hence the bargain price. Instead, they suggested a better deal, and you saved money on a better laptop.

Shopping Scenario #2: You just saw an ad for an appliance sale, so you decided to do some research. comes through again by telling you NOW is a good time to buy because prices are trending up. Even better, if the price drops below the amount you paid, they'll pay you the difference! You won't get that from Consumer Reports.

What are you waiting for? Make a list of your upcoming major purchases and start doing your research! Use coupon code: BUDGETDIET to get an annual membership to for just $10 (regular price $29.99).

Happy Shopping and Saving!


Image courtesy of Danilo Rizzuti /

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