How to Use Social Media to Save Money on Shopping

how to use social media to save money

With more than 1 billion people active on social sites, social media has become more than just creating profile pictures and connecting with friends. It's become a money saving tool for shoppers. Ready to learn how to use social media to save money?

Like or Follow Favorite Retailers

Take time to like you favorite retailer’s page on Facebook or follow them on Twitter. Many retailers are online and will provide exclusive discounts to new customers who simply like their page. The holidays are also the perfect season for companies to release coupons, and you'll be the first to know.


Retailers like interactions within their site, and shoppers like discounts. Be keen on such offer from companies – they may post products, and you can receive free gifts when you like the photos.

Look at Your Favorite Retailers Page

By taking time daily to look at your favorite retailers page, you will quickly land on great deals and discounts offered. Shoppers can find out about new products and discounts on holiday gifts.

Don’t Wait for Deals to Come to You

You may have refreshed your Facebook and twitter feeds, but still no sign of the deal you are hoping for. Take matters into your own hands by tweeting or posting a comment directly to the company about what you are looking for. You may inspire a company to send you your personal coupon, so that they can get your business. Another beneficial way to get deals is to regularly post your opinions/reviews about retailers/products. Companies want their customers to give feedback and they often reward it.

Be Aware of the Ads

The next time you login to Facebook, take note of the ads. You can find a variety of coupon code sites advertised on Facebook. This will bring you to a new world of coupon codes that you can use to make online purchases. Pay close attention to the ads on items you would like to purchase and you will get what you would like for less.

Social media is changing all the time, and with a click of a button you will land on great deals, discounts and coupon codes that will help you save money shopping.


written by: Carl Shaw


Image courtesy of Master isolated images,

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