Junkyard finds often make awesome DIY home decors. Scavenged materials can help make your home's interior look unique, unlike the cookie cutter styles that you often see in magazines these days. If you're lucky, you can even find a bit of history in junkyards, as some people throw away broken antiques in favor of more modern furniture. The best part? Junkyard finds are absolutely free! Here's a list of 29 ways you can transform your junkyard finds into tasteful decorations for your home.
Motorcycle Headlight Lamp
Perfect for your auto-obsessed teenager or significant other, this re-purposed motorcycle headlight makes a striking lamp. Even the dings and rust add character to this project. With just a few additions, this find would make a perfect desk light to work on your next DIY project!
Hubcap Flower Yard Art
Image source: theweathereddoor.com With just a little bit of paint and maybe a few old shovel handles, you can make gorgeous art pieces to decorate your lawn or garden. Old hubcaps are easily found in any junkyard or even on the side of the road (please exercise caution!). You just need some elbow grease and a few supplies to make them look like new. Decorate them with craft supplies laying around the house, assemble the stems, and voila! You have vibrant, playful hubcap flowers in your yard.
Tractor Tire Rim Ottomans
Upcycle an old tractor tire rim into an over-sized ottoman with some gorilla glue, foam, and fabric. Ottomans make very comfortable seats or foot stools. This particular DIY ottoman looks like it would also make a great nap spot. This DIY furniture would be a perfect addition to an outdoor patio setting.
License Plate Birdhouse
Image source: birdsandblooms.com I love birdhouses. And this DIY one is certainly adorable and functional too! All you need are a few pieces of wood and an old license plate. Birds in your neighborhood will flock to this beautiful birdhouse.
Tire Hanging Love Seats
Image source: itsy-bits-and-pieces.blogspot What a comfy looking seat! You can find used tires at many salvage yards or shops. Clean them up and add a few coats of your favorite color, then add some cushioning and maybe a few throw pillows. Use a few heavy-duty hooks to hang them up and these adorable love seats can grace your home, too.
Car Wheel Fire Pit
For this project, you'll want to make sure the wheel you use is steel, not aluminum. Clean up your wheel then paint it in metallic black. Place a grill over the top and enjoy some s'mores cooked over your DIY fire pit.
Old Door-Trim Framed Mirror
Moving away from old car parts, we come to this breathtaking mirror. Old doors are easily found in salvage yards, or even in your house if it's old enough. Inspired by the Victorian-era mirrors kept in entryways, this mirror will look beautiful in any home. Plus, it lets you check your appearance before leaving the house.
Medicine Cabinet Message Center
For this project, you'll want to make sure the medicine cabinet you select is a surface-mount unit. A little bit of sanding, some staining, and a layer or two of chalkboard paint turns this bathroom essential into a message center for your kitchen or entryway.
Salvaged Sink Outdoor Bar
I actually saw a sink that would be perfect for this next DIY project at a local antique store. Made from an antique sink and some PVC piping, this outdoor bar will make a perfect addition to your next barbecue. The sink is great for storing dripping ice cubes.
Stair Step Side Table
I am forever losing my keys, and my kids are constantly hunting for their homework folders. This two-legged piece could possibly be the answer to my problem. Made from old stair parts, it's small enough to sit comfortably in any entryway.
Vintage Tile Tabletop
The antique shop in my town has a box full of old tile pieces, and after seeing this, I am determined to buy them and spend a weekend creating this masterpiece. You'll need a few hours out of your day for this project, and a safe spot to store it since it takes at least 24 hours to set. It's worth the wait, since you get a durable tabletop in the bargain.
Cabinet Door Coffee Table
My favorite part of this coffee table? It's very child-friendly. Made from an old cabinet door and steel table legs, this DIY project will make a perfect addition to my living room, and yours too.
Window Sash Picture Frame
When I saw this beautiful repurposed window sash frame, I decided I absolutely must make this for my sister's farmhouse. Another easy find at a salvage yard or antique shop, this unique frame lends a rustic look to your decor.
Wagon Herb Planter
Have your kids outgrown their favorite Little Flyer wagon? Don't sell it—repurpose it into this simple herb planter. In just forty-five minutes, your child's old toy can become a garden. It will provide your family with fresh herbs for years to come.
Door Knob Coat Rack
All those old cabinet door re-purposing projects have probably left you with a nice collection of old door knobs. I'm sure you're at a loss as to what to do with all of them, am I right? Here's one great idea—turn those door knobs into a space-saving coat rack.
Old Metal Stool Plant Stand
Old wrought-iron stools often look worn out and dated. If you find one in the junkyard, keep it! Turn that old stool into a beautiful plant stand. Just remove the seat cushion and apply a fresh coat of paint.
Book Page Frame
Now, normally, I would never tell you to use book pages for anything besides reading. However, this idea is too cute to pass up. Just don't tell my kids! Using an old book that's probably falling apart anyways, you too can create this piece, which I feel would look perfect in a home library.
Crate Wall
Image source: organizedclutter.net In my hometown, there's an old store whose back area is just covered with old plastic and wooden milk crates. I'm tempted to go get a few and try my hand at this adorable space-saver.
Suitcase Table
I see old suitcases in thrift stores, junkyards, and antique shops all the time. I can't wait to pick a few up and try my hand at this piece. Some old hat boxes, luggage trunks, and a few odds and ends come together to make a table that is sure to be the envy of your next guests.
Tin Can Patio Luminaries
Save those soup cans and turn them into beautiful patio luminaries. Just peel off the label, clean it out, and use a hammer and nail to poke some holes into the sides of the can. Paint your cans any color you desire, pop a few tea lights in them, and watch your patio glow.
Wooden Mirror Frame
Image source: decoratingcents.blogspot.com This sunburst frame is a popular design and can cost hundreds of bucks at a furniture store. Why not use scrap wood instead? Simply cut them into narrow strips. paint thema uniform color, and attach them to a small mirror (you can even pop the glass out of an old hand mirror) to create this eye-catching piece.
Entertainment Center Play Kitchen
Image source: southernrevivals.com I've seen this one floating around on social media for a while, and having just upgraded my living room furniture, I'm excited to give this a try with our old entertainment center. This one will take a bit more time than most of the others on our list here, but the end results are definitely worth the time.
Bedroom Bin Dresser Drawers
Image source: twoityourself.com I wish I had seen this a couple of years ago, when my rambunctious little boys broke four dressers in a two-month period. Rather than throw out your old dressers, sand the drawers, apply a little paint, and attach them to legs of some sort. You'll have yourself a nifty little bin for any bedroom.
Scrap Trim Utensil Holder
Something I've noticed when using old doors for projects, I usually have to pull the attached trim off, and then I'm stuck with a pile of it. Thanks to this crafty idea, I can now cut down on my pile of old trim and gain a one-of-a-kind utensil holder for my kitchen.
Old CDs Mosaic Tiles
Little boys mean that there is nothing safe from utter destruction in my house, including my CDs and DVDs. After seeing this, I think I know exactly what to do with all those scratched up things. Shiny mosaic tiles are a beautiful addition to any decor, after all.
Lego Stand Table
Image source: fussymonkeybiz.blogspot.com Legos, Legos, Legos everywhere, and not a single brick put away! I can't count the number of times I've stumbled through my sons' rooms and ended up stepping on their Legos. Perhaps this DIY project using an old table will encourage them to put those things away.
Door Knob Patio Tiles
Remember all those old door knobs? I'm sure you still have plenty left after making that coat rack. This DIY project will certainly help with that dilemma. You'll need a helping hand and a day or two to devote to the project, but the end results are absolutely stunning.
Pallet Porch Swing
Re-purposing pallets seems to be all the rage right now, like this gorgeous porch swing. What better way to spend a summer evening than sitting on a porch swing with a book and a cup of tea?
I just love finding exciting ways to make old things new again. Thanks for reading!