Why Spend Money to Diet and Get In Shape?

free diet and exercise tips
Just a little over a month ago you made a New Year's resolution to start a diet and get in shape.

You started strong…this was going to be your year, and then you lost your motivation because a big piece of chocolate cake got in your way.

Now you're contemplating plunking down the big bucks for a fancy gym or diet center because you've got to get in shape before bikini season!


Try these 6 easy and free tips to get in shape.

  1. Follow diet and exercise boards on Pinterest…they're full of inspiration, and it's always fun to try new diet recipes or new workout routines. I've put together board called “Get Fit and Fab” that's full of workout routines that you can do at home without any fancy equipment.
  2. Start a healthy lunch bunch – it's a pot luck, but only diet foods are allowed! You'll enjoy trying new foods and exchanging recipes.
  3. Watch The Big Fat Loser on NBC!
  4. Spend more time with your skinny and fit friends, and maybe their good habits will rub off on you!
  5. Start a diet book club where you read and discuss a different diet book each month…knowledge is power!
  6. Utilize free diet websites like SparkPeople.com or MyFitnessPal. Both of these sites help you set a goal, weigh-in, track exercise, keep a food diary and count calories, fat, carbs and protein. It's like having your own personal diet coach!

Now you're ready to jump start your diet and exercise routine – good luck!

Please leave a comment to share your best tips for sticking to a diet and exercise routine.


Image courtesy of Michelle Mieklejohn / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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3 years ago

Just get a bigger pair a of pants, not everyone wants to be skinny. Some of us like curves.
Only a dog wants a bone. ????

3 years ago

Just a pair of pants. No shame in that

Kat Meller
11 years ago

Thanks for the reminders. Now to go figure out what my SparksPeople account and password was ….

Lucy Maldonado
11 years ago

Thank you Kristl,
I’ll do something, need motivation.
Trying grapefruit today.
Ill do that for a few days see if it helps.
Miss you.

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