It's a Garden Party – It's a Budget Birthday Party!
Here's another budget birthday party idea perfect for springtime!
I've come up with a smorgasbord of festive, flowery fun…just pick your favorite options, and voila you'll have a bloomin' budget birthday party!
Theme: Garden Party
Flowers (of course!) Simply print an invitation on pretty pink cardstock and tie it to an artificial daisy. A bunch of artificial daisies can be purchased at Hobby Lobby or Michael's for around $4 using a coupon (Michael's coupons can be found in your Sunday paper, Hobby Lobby coupons can be found on their website).
Seed packets, print the party details on plain paper and glue onto seed packets.
More flowers! If you haven't planted your spring flowers, now is the time to buy them! Use them as party decorations, and then plant them after the big day!
Artificial daisies in glass bottles…a fun & festive option!

May Pole Hunt
#1. Tie one end of a ball of yarn to your “May pole” (a broom handle stuck in the ground works well!)
#2. Make a fun trail with that ball of yarn…over the picnic table, around the bush, under the tree and at the end of the yarn…leave a prize!
#2. There will be a different ball of yarn & prize for each child…lots of fun, festive colors!
#3. Each child will wind their yarn back into a ball as they follow their yarn trail to the prize. Of course, there will be lots of tangles with friends along the way!
Watering Can Relay
#1. Divide into 2 teams
#2. Each member of the team must carry a full watering can to the flower bed, water the flowers, run back, fill the watering can and repeat!
Penalty…if any water is spilled on the way to the flower bed, the team member must start over!
#3. First team to complete the race wins!
Paint Flower Pots
#1. Purchase 1 small terra cotta pot for each child (about 50 cents each at Michael's, Hobby Lobby or Garden Ridge)
#2. Decorate with waterproof terra cotta markers (available at Michael's or Hobby Lobby)
#3. Let the children plant flower seeds and take home as their party favor!
Tissue Paper Flowers
#1. Precut 4″ squares of tissue paper in a variety of colors
#2. Let each child choose 6 squares in a variety of colors
#3. Stack the squares on top of each other
#4. Fold the tissue paper like a fan into 1″ folds
#5. Twist a pipe cleaner around the middle of the “fan” and continue twisting the pipe cleaner together to make a stem
#6. Gently separate the pieces of tissue paper to make a flower
#7. Tissue paper flowers are cute in their hair, in a vase, etc.
#9. You can always make these flowers bigger by starting with larger squares of tissue paper.
Flower shaped cookie cutter food! (flower shaped sandwiches, flower shaped pieces of melon, flower shaped pieces of cheese & flower shaped finger jello)
Recipe – Finger Jello
4 envelopes knox unflavored gelatin
3 small boxes jello
4 cups boiling water
In a large bowl, mix unflavored gelatin with jello.
Add boiling water and stir until jello is completely dissolved
Pour into an 11″ x 17″ pan (rimmed cookie sheet)
Refrigerate until firm
Cut with the a flower shaped cookie cutter
Flower cupcakes…make lots of cupcakes and put them on a platter in the shape of a flower (no cake decorating skills required!)