3 Ways to Diet on a Budget

diet on a budget

Christmas parties, cookie exchanges, fancy dinners and over the top desserts…I love this time of the year, but my clothes will soon be begging for mercy!

Once the New Year rolls around, it will be time for my annual New Year's resolution to lose those holiday pounds, and for me the holidays begin in October with Halloween candy!

Would you believe that nearly 1/3 of Americans resolve to lose weight each year! No wonder we're bombarded with TV commercials for magic pills that will melt the fat or fancy fitness equipment that will make you look like you belong on the cover of Shape magazine. Does it really take big bucks to yield big results? Is weight loss possible on a budget? Yes & yes!

3 Ways to Diet on a Budget

Use the Internet
There are free diet programs complete with calorie counters, food diaries, fitness logs, recipes and forums for support! Try MyFitnessPal.com or SparkPeople.com

Clip a Coupon
Don't think of coupons just for the grocery because coupons exist for diet programs too! If you're not a do-it-yourself dieter, and you need a structured program…there's no need to pay full price when you can find the latest Nutrisystem Coupon from ShopByDiet.com

Get Fit for Free
Gym memberships and expensive workout equipment are not a necessity for weight loss. Instead, take advantage of the great outdoors or see if your city offers free fitness classes. If you prefer to workout at home, checkout my Pinterest Board of home workouts…no equipment required!

Ready to make that New Year's Resolution to Diet on a Budget?


Image courtesy of Chainet / FreeDigitalPhotos.net



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