8 Tips for a Happier Monday

We all have that Monday blues. Change that through these amazing tips to turn that hateful Monday into happier Monday.It's just another Manic Monday…

We all know the words, and we all know the feeling. Whether it's hustling sleepy-eyed kids out the door to school or rushing off to work, we all suffer the Monday Blues doing it. But does it have to be that way?

Why does Monday have such a bad rep? The end of the weekend, naturally, leaves us all a little sluggish and dreading our return to the daily grind of life. It doesn't have to be that way, though. Here's how to make Monday the best day of your week.

  1. Start Your Monday on Friday

    Image source: livingasimplifiedlife.com

    Before you start your weekend, plan out your Monday. Finish that work project. Get the kids' backpacks altogether. Make everyone's lunches and pop them in the freezer until Sunday night. Plan for what needs to happen Monday morning, whether it's work or child related. This way, you won't be so rushed and can start your work week off on a more relaxed note.

  2. Take a 10-Minute Walk

    Image source: shareyouressays.com

    Exercise isn't just good for your physical well-being; it can do wonders for your state of mind, too. Take a ten-minute walk, do some stretching exercises, or even do a few minutes of yoga on a Monday morning. You may find yourself feeling more focused and ready for the day and week ahead.

  3. Eat a Good Breakfast

    Image source: pixabay.com

    I'm horribly guilty of this one: I often skip breakfast, especially on Mondays, when I'm rushing my kids out the door. Making a point to sit down and eat breakfast, whether it's a piece of fruit or a three-course affair, can positively impact the rest of your day. It may seem like a tired piece of advice we've heard all our lives, but the results speak for themselves.

  4. Take a YouTube Break

    Image source: thenextweb.com

    We all need a break from time to time. Why not take a few minutes on your Monday to watch a YouTube video? Take a step back from your stressful daily routine; make it during your lunch break, if needed. Listen to your favorite song, watch something funny, or find something new.

  5. Just Smile

    Image source: psychologies.co.uk

    Did you successfully get the kids to school on time with everything they need for the day? Did your project at work go over well? Maybe you just remembered to drink your coffee while it was still hot. Whatever the reason, big or small, find a reason to smile on your Monday.

  6. Get Creative

    Image source: blog.consumercrafts.com

    What better way to pull out of a funk than creativity? Get your latest DIY project done on Monday. Make a new scrapbook page. Bake some cookies. You don't need to be fancy to be creative, but being creative will definitely brighten your Monday up.

  7. Plan Something to Look Forward To

    Image source: vixenvarsity.com

    Everyone looks forward to the weekend and their weekend plans. Family vacations, movie nights, dinner dates, and family picnics give everyone a reason to eagerly await Friday afternoon. Apply that thinking to Mondays, and give yourself something to look forward to. Maybe you can DVR your favorite TV show and begin watching it on Monday nights. Or perhaps, you can turn Mondays into your favorite dinner night.

  8. Do a Simple Act of Kindness

    Image source: goodnet.org

    Make Mondays special not just for yourself, but for those around you as well: turn Monday into your weekly “Simple Act of Kindness Day.” Send a positive text to a friend. Slip an “I love you” note into your child's backpack. Pay for a stranger's coffee. Bring a spark of joy to someone else's day, and watch your Monday perk up too.

There's no reason we can't have a joyful Monday instead of a case of the Monday Blues. I hope this list helps you make Mondays the best day of your week, too! Do you have anything special you do to bring a little sunshine into your Monday routine? Let us know in the comments below, and don't forget to share this list with your friends.

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