38 Fantastic Things You Can Do with Plastic Bags

Save the environment and reuse those piles of plastic bags at home. You will be amazed how those plastic bags can ever be useful.

Plastic bags are very useful for everyday tasks, but they often seem to be everywhere in the kitchen. Before you throw them all away, think of their impact on the environment. Plastic bags are piling up on the streets and even in our oceans. But what can you do about the constant pile of plastic bags back at home?

Why not help the environment by recycling your old plastic bags? For example, you can carry your grocery in used plastic bags instead of asking for new ones at the store. Onecrazyhouse.com has gathered 38 smart ways you can recycle plastic bags. Click the link below to find out.


38 Fantastic Things You Can Do with Plastic Bags


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5 years ago

These ideas for recycling are both creative and helpful, thankyou! However, I’m amazed that people continue to accept and collect so many plastic bags!! We have very few in our house here in Australia because I always keep lots of fabric/string/canvas bags in my car and take them shopping with me each time. I line the bins in my home with newspaper, and as I compost all fruit/vegetable scraps, the kitchen bin doesn’t become too wet to wrap other waste for the garbage collection. I really believe it is essential not just that we do recycle these bags in similar, exciting ways as described, but to 1st REFUSE before we REUSE and then RECYCLE.

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