Start Idea Files!

Weekly Challenge – Idea Files

I have a very strange collection…I collect ideas, and I love to share them!

I'm the one in the PTO meeting that always raises my hand with an idea, my friends call me looking for ideas, and I've ended up in charge of many events simply because I had a great idea!.

Of course, I do have some original ideas, but many of my ideas are just versions of something I read in a magazine. I keep idea files for all of my passions: cooking, decorating, party planning and travel. So, whenever I'm reading a magazine if I see a great idea , I cut it out and put it in the proper idea file. Then…when it's time to plan my daughters birthday party, we have a great place to start…The Party Idea File!

Idea files are really handy if you're embarking on a home decorating project. Create a file full of pictures of rooms you love, and then take the file on your shopping trips. If you hire a decorator…hand over the file, and there will be no question about the look you are trying to achieve.

Now…here's your challenge for the week…go start your idea files!

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